Commercial Grade Muskoka Adirondack Deck Dining Chair
Perfect for restaurants, snack areas or employee seating – these sturdy and comfortable chairs blend into any environment and maintenance is a breeze.
Hamilton Deck Chair - Dining Height
With its classic form, our Hamilton deck chair is truly a design icon. Combining timeless styling, comfort, and functionality, it is part of the highwood® Adirondack collection. Pair this dining chair with any highwood® dining table for a set your guests will covet.
2 Hamilton Deck Chairs with Folding Side Table
Commercial Grade Muskoka Adirondack Deck Dining Chair in Counter Height
Perfect for restaurants, snack areas or employee seating – these sturdy and comfortable chairs blend into any environment and maintenance is a breeze.
Lehigh Garden Chair
This patio chair has all the classic and elegant design elements that the Lehigh Collection is known for. This distinctive chair makes a dramatic statement in any environment.
Weatherly Garden Chair
This highwood® Garden Chair has all the clean lines that the Weatherly Collection is known for. The relaxed, yet bold styling makes a statement without overwhelming the environment.
Westport Garden Rocking Chair
With a look befitting harbor towns, lighthouses, and sandy beaches, the Westport Garden Rocking Chair is perfect for open-air retreats. The Westport Garden Rocking Chair is the perfect assimilation of comfort and style.
2 Lehigh Garden Chairs with 1 Square Side Table
Set includes 2 Lehigh Garden Chairs and 1 Square Side Table. These patio chairs have all the classic and elegant design elements that the Lehigh Collection is known for. The distinctive chairs make a dramatic statement in any environment. The set pairs two chairs with our extremely popular square side table so that you can chat with a friend over an ice-cold lemonade.
Westport Garden Chair
With a look befitting harbor towns, lighthouses, and sandy beaches, the Classic Westport Garden Chair is perfect for open-air retreats. The durable, fade-resistant garden chair is the perfect assimilation of comfort and style.
2 Weatherly Garden Chairs with 1 Square Side Table
These patio chairs have all the clean lines that the Weatherly Collection is known for. The relaxed, yet bold styling makes a statement without overwhelming the environment. Set includes 2 Weatherly Garden Chairs and 1 Square Side Table.
Barcelona Modern Adirondack Ottoman
Don’t just sit in your highwood modern Adirondack chair, LOUNGE! Designed to match the Barcelona Modern Adirondack Chair, this sleek companion provides a trendy take on a classic.
Folding Adirondack Ottoman
The ottoman folds down for easy storage and transportation so you can take it to the lake, position it by the pool, or bring it to the beach.